Upcoming Event - MBA Homecoming
Date: 16 September 2018 (Sunday)
Time: 12:00noon - 5:00p.m.
Venue: HKUST Clear Water Bay Campus
Event Link:
Enquiry: Ms Renee Cheng
(bmreneec@ust.hk)Past Event Highlight - MBA Alumni Forum
Thank you for attending our inaugural MBA Alumni Forum this April. Event video and photos are now available
Stay Connected with MBA alumni
MBA alumni are a valuable treasure, and an updated database is needed to help maximize their value for all of our students and graduates. If you have any updates on your living or work status, please keep us updated
Shout-out your Hiring needs
Our MBA students and graduates are hungry for new opportunities. If you or your organization has a need for talent, send your thoughts, needs, and contact details to
mbacpd@ust.hk. We will help connect you to the right candidates in our community.