MBA Sundial Sixth Issue, September 2019
Professor Tai-Yuan Chen

Dear all,

Summer is a season to bid farewell to our current students and to welcome our new Intake 2019. Our MBA for Professionals (MBAP) Part-time Weekly Program, Intake 2017 took their final core course, Time to Lead, in June and thus marked the end of their MBA study. Our new Intake 2019 kicked off their MBA journey in summer. This year, we are welcoming 210+ students to our new Full-Time MBA and MBAP Weekly classes. Over 95% of our full-time students are non-locals, representing more than 20 nationalities from different parts of Asia, Europe, North America and other regions, including countries such as Kazakhstan and Cameroon. The MBAP class is similarly diverse, with students representing 18 nationalities. We believe every single student within this diverse group will contribute to and at the same time benefit from the program.

As a business program, it is important not only to equip our students with business and management knowledge in classrooms but also to provide them with exposure to how the principles they are learning can be applied to real-world situations. This can be attained through interactions with corporations during study tours and career treks. This summer, we organized a study tour to Silicon Valley in the USA, visiting renowned companies such as Google and LinkedIn. Students got to meet and interact with the working staff and management teams in these companies. A career trek to Japan was also hosted by the Japan Club in June. Participants had the chance to visit corporations such as Rakuten and Nissan.

To more closely connect our students and alumni to the HKUST MBA community, an MBA Mentorship Program was launched in 2018/19. The alumni mentors and student mentees gathered in the KEF Music Gallery for a closing ceremony in May 2019 to share their takeaways from their mentorships throughout the past year, but the friendships and sharing will certainly last far beyond the close of the program.

Enjoy your reading! We look forward to connecting with you, hearing your updates and receiving your feedback.

Professor Tai-Yuan Chen
Associate Dean & MBA Program Director
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Global Admissions Events Fall 2019
Our marketing and admissions team will travel outside of HK to recruit the next MBA class in the following major cities. If you are interested in supporting your alma mater as an ambassador at one of these locations, please let us know by emailing your contact details, location and latest job updates to

Asia:Tokyo, Seoul, Taipei, Singapore, Mumbai, New Delhi, Bangkok, Manila, Ho Chi Minh City, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen

Europe & North America: Toronto, Vancouver, New York, London, Munich, Moscow
Stay Connected with MBA alumni
MBA alumni are a valuable treasure, and an updated database is essential to maximizing the value our community can bring to all of our students and graduates. If you have any updates on your living or work status, please keep us up to date here.

Broadcast Your Hiring Needs
Our MBA students and graduates are hungry for new opportunities. If you or your organization has a need for talent, send your thoughts, needs and contact details to We will help connect you to the right candidates from within our community.

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