MBA Sundial Winter 2019
1+1 Shanghai Alumni Class and Networking Drinks
As part of the alumni initiatives on lifelong development, the MBA Office hosted an alumni class on one of the most sought-after topics ‘Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and Their Business Applications’, given in Shanghai by Prof. Allen Huang on 12 January 2019. Our alumni not only had an opportunity to keep their knowledge current and relevant, they also enjoyed a networking session with fellow alumni, making it a valuable afternoon full of laughter and sharing aspirations.

Almost 60 alumni and their guests joined the alumni class on ‘Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and Their Business Applications’. Prof. Allen Huang walked them through the game changing cryptocurrencies and blockchains and the technologies behind them, which challenge the role of trust in conventional payments. Holding a PhD in Business Administration together with his previous work experience at Lehman Brothers and Barclays Capital in New York, Prof. Huang shared his insights on this topic, which all business leaders should know.

To further enrich our elite community, our alumni were encouraged to extend the invitation to their colleagues and friends who were interested in knowing more about our program. In this way they could experience a taste of our world class MBA education.

The overseas class was well received by the alumni, and appreciated as a refresher training that revitalised what they had learned from the MBA. It also updated the alumni and their friends on the new developments in business technology.

The alumni and friends then joined representatives from the MBA Office at the alumni mixer. The alumni valued it as an opportunity to bond with their batch mates and to connect with new-comers, sharing their life-changing MBA experience and how it had brought their aspirations to the next level.
Audience immersed in the hot topic of cryptocurrency and blockchain in the class delivered by Prof. Allen Huang
Making new friends and keeping the old. The Shanghai alumni and new friends mingle well at the networking drinks reception
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